Friday, December 23, 2011

fashion forward friday

It's official! I'm heading back to the working world! After nine months of being a stay-at-home mom, I've made the decision to start working again. Our dream and biggest goal right now is to buy a house so going back to work is the best idea for our family. I've enjoyed and loved every minute at home with my son and I'm going to miss being with him all day, but in the end this decision was for him. He's been asking for his own room and a backyard!

Since I've been home for the last nine months, I've drifted away from "dressing up" and my work clothes have collected some dust in my closet. So I went searching for some cute work outfit ideas...

{All images courtesy of Pinterest}


  1. :) Working towards a goal is always great :) I'll believe with you that going back to work will be an easy transition :))

  2. Nice blog, I hope you are enjoying the holidays. Love the photos! Merry Christmas.

    Vist my blog when you get a chance ;)
