Wednesday, September 14, 2011

wordless wednesday...and a little guilt.

After my Tahoe trip with my family, I went into this "non-blogging" mode. Why, I don't really know. Maybe it was a combination of writer's block or me just needing a writing break. It felt nice to be away from my laptop for a week...but I also felt this guilt for not keeping up with my blogging. I told myself that I would keep up with my blog when I started it 4 months ago, but I guess we need a break with everything in life, right? Some fun things have happened in the past week, which I'll share more of in my upcoming posts. For now, here's my Wordless Wednesday of the week!


  1. Real lovely picture! So cute and ready for the trim!

  2. Adorable pic! Be happy that you took a blogging-break. Blogging, although I love it, is unbelievably time consuming. It is building a business, and like most new enterprises you might not see any cash for a long time - and with blogging maybe never. I hope you were able to reconnect with family, find some time away from the blinking (no pun intended) computer and get re-inspired!

  3. Too cute! Blogging can be tiring, I completely understand needing to take a break. I go through weeks were I really don't want to go through all the effort that keeping a blog takes :) I hope you had fun on your Tahoe trip!

  4. My husband just gave our oldest a hair cut this week.

    Super cute photo.

    I think we all need a break from time to time with anything. Don't feel bad!

  5. Sometimes we all reach that writers block mode. I know I hit more often than others. Of course, I don't always write everything that crosses my mind. :)
